As you probably already know I am one of three that make up
Monster Emporium Press a small press based in South London. Wepublish zines, artists book and small works of fiction. The most recent addition to this collection being Issue 3 of Girls Who Fight zine, a zine for all publishing contributions from those female persuasion, designed and edited by myself and
Mira Mattar. Cover Illustration by everyones favourite Australia based artist
Mimi Leung.
My contribution to this issue, in a salute to my long standing TV series obsession, is a drawing of my favourite female TV characters - lo brow tastic - you may notice a strong Joss Whedon influence. See if you can name all the shows/actresses.

GWF3 is available for the bargain price of £3, if you wish to purchase a copy of the zine please email hive@monsteremporiumpress.org.uk or come visit us at the
International Alternative Press Festival at Conway Hall, London on the 28th May. Alternatively you can view a pdf