So i have finally finished my parents
website. Whoop whoop!!! It has pictures and everything. Go stay with these lovely people. I may be a little bit biased but i think they're ace :).
In other news Monster Emporium Press has acquired a new publication, this addition is The Pictures Zine - Issue 2 produced in association with the monthly
film night of the same name (minus the zine bit) and by the illustrious Garry Sykes. I personally recently nearly caused my hands to fall off by hand trimming 40 copies for the launch night of said zine at Bardens Boudoir. You can see more of Garry at
Graven Images.

Girls Who Fight 2 is also in the works (you can see the first issue
here) and should hopefully be ready for
Publish and Be Damned 2009 on the 27th September as should a book collecting the works of one Tom Moore some of which can be seen on his
blog. Phew! and also a selection of greetings cards, stickers and posters produced by my own fair hands (well maybe the hands of some printers also). September is gonna be a big one.